
And Now For Something Completely Different

The problem with being funny is that no one takes you seriously. I have this problem. What worsens it is that I also look funny. So when I am making a serious face, people assume I am making some kind of joke with my face. A face-joke. It's like the boy who cried wolf, but instead of wolf he cried 'knock-knock' and said something stupid like 'me, let me in' after they said who's there. Another problem is that I am never serious. That could be why no one takes me seriously. 

The other thing is that people expect you to be funny. If anyone ever says "Tell me a joke," the other person dies inside because they don't know any jokes. If anyone actually tells you a joke, and it's funny, then you know they definitely prepared for this situation beforehand. I hate myself for doing this, but here is a joke from the top of my head. It will be bad. 

What did they call The Fonz's signature punch? The Ehhh-maker.

Yes, now you may proceed to punch me in the face. Maybe you can use the Ehhh-maker. (for anyone slow, a haymaker is a kind of punch)

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