
Literal Trailers

And now, a short break from memes. While browsing the internet, I stumbled across a youtube channel with very some funny videos. These videos are trailers to movies or video games, except the person has dubbed over them saying the events that are currently happening. It probably sounds less funny than it is, so here is one of the videos

This is the first video that I ran across of his, and after further review, I like it. In fact, I liked it so much that I went through and found 2 others that I liked. I may have a more intimate relationship with this trailer, because I have played that game and I get any references made that someone who hasn't experienced the game wouldn't get. 

I think this one is funnier than the last one. My favorite part was the "Hagrid's hungry." (Also, just in case anyone isn't aware, NigaHiga is a youtube personality, not some secret racism)

Using proper showmanship, I leave the best for last. The best in my opinion. And my opinion is the correct one. Anything to do with ninjas is funny, and singing is usually funny, especially if it is falsetto-like.

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