
The Driving Force

I have been waiting for this section for a long time. Allow me to introduce you to:

(Pronounced 'meem'; rhymes with seem.)
 If the internet was band, memes would be the singer/guitarist. If it were a movie, memes would be the main character that dies at the end, forcing you to tears. If the internet were a country, memes would the president or dictator, depending on how you look at it. But, I think you get the point. Earlier I talked about inside jokes. Well, memes are the inside jokes of the internet. This is a massive topic, so I will be covering it over multiple posts.

A meme is defined as: "An idea, belief or belief system, or pattern of behavior that spreads throughout a culture either vertically by cultural inheritance (as by parents to children) or horizontally by cultural acquisition (as by peers, information media, and entertainment media)." (Thank you Urban Dictionary). Now, don't get that definition wrong, it sounds way to professional for what memes actually are.

The word meme was first coined in Richard Dawkin's book The Selfish Gene in 1976. The first recorded meme was :-) in the early 1980's and boy have they evolved since.

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